by Pierre Corneille

David Ives turns his irreverent contemporary brand of wit to an intricate comedy from the French classical stage with explosive results. A handsome young man can be counted on for only one thing–never to be counted on; a pathological liar, Dorante, turns lovers, fathers, and rivals upside down as he cuts a wide swath of deception in 17th-Century Paris.


Cliton #SPACER# Patrick Vaill

Dorante #SPACER# Austin Purnell 

Clarice #SPACER# Annabelle Rollison 

Lucrece #SPACER# Tiffany Morgan Baker

Isabelle/Sabine #SPACER# Roberta Emerson 

Alcippe #SPACER# Stan Demidoff 

Philiste #SPACER# Carl Hendrick Louis


Director Paul Mullins

Adapted by David Ives 

Scenic Designer Anna Yates 

Lighting Designer Yuki Nakase

Costume Designer Mira Veikley 

Sound Designer Fitz Patton 

Stage Manager Carly Levin